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【活動已完結 | Ended】

En Group
沖繩 Night in 香港 | Okinawa Night in Hong Kong

Food Ingredients

於6月14日及15日,位於及尖沙咀的「 えん宴 」及銅鑼灣的「樂宴」將會分別舉辦「沖繩 Night in 香港」活動。活動中除了有新款泡盛推出、泡盛優惠及美味的限定沖繩菜單外,亦邀請了沖繩當地三線樂手津波古孝太先生在現場彈奏三線!不用親身到沖繩,在香港亦能感受到地道的沖繩居酒屋氣氛。



沖繩 Night in 香港 活動詳情


2023年6月14日(三) | 「えん宴」尖沙咀店

尖沙咀金馬倫道38-40號金龍中心1樓 | 電話:3428 2500

2023年6月15日(四) | 「樂宴」銅鑼灣店

銅鑼灣登龍街28號永光中心12樓 | 電話:3580 8858


沖繩三線表演時間:19:00~20:00, 21:00~21:30

On June 14th and 15th, "En Tsim Sha Tsui" and "Rakuen Causeway Bay" will respectively host the "Okinawa Night in Hong Kong" event. During the event, apart from featuring new varieties of Awamori, Awamori special promotions, and a delicious limited Okinawan menu, they have also invited Mr. Tsuhako Kota, a local Okinawan sanshin performer, to perform live on stage! Even if you don’t travel to Okinawa, you can experience an authentic Okinawan izakaya atmosphere right here in Hong Kong.

*Advance reservations are required. Please call the restaurant or email to make a reservation.

Details of the Okinawa Night in Hong Kong Event

Date and Venue:

June 14, 2023 (Wednesday) | En Tsim Sha Tsui

1/F, Golden Dragon Centre, 38-40 Cameron Road, Tsim Sha Tsui| Phone: 3428 2500

June 15, 2023 (Thursday) | Rakuen Causeway Bay

12/F, Circle Tower, 28 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay| Phone: 3580 8858

Time: Starting from 18:00

Okinawan sanshin performance time: 19:00-20:00, 21:00-21:30

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