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Brown Sugar Recipe

Brown Sugar Tiramisu

Berry Waffles


牛奶 3湯匙

魚膠粉 2g

蛋黃 2個

沖繩黑糖粉 2湯匙

意大利軟芝士 100g

烘焙用白蘭地* 1湯匙

淡忌廉 100g

黑糖長崎蛋糕** 1包

咖啡粉 1茶匙

熱水 100-150cc

朱古力粉 適量



3 tablespoon milk

2g gelatin powder

2 egg yolks

2 tablespoon Okinawa brown sugar

100g mascarpone cheese

1 tablespoon brandy*

100g whipping cream

1 pack brown sugar castella**

1 teaspoon instant coffee

100-150cc hot water

cocoa powder (appropriate amount)

*If brandy is not available, it can be excluded.

**If the brown sugar castella is not available, it can be substituted with the original flavour castella or white bread.


  1. 魚膠粉加入到牛奶中浸泡備用。

  2. 在碗中加入蛋黃及黑糖,再把碗放在約80度至90度的熱水上隔水加熱,攪拌至混合物開始變白。

  3. 將①放在500w~600w的微波爐加熱20-30秒,魚膠粉溶化後就加到②中的混合物拌勻。

  4. ③的混合物的餘熱去除後,加入意大利軟芝士和白蘭地,用刮刀拌勻。

  5. 在另外一個碗中倒入淡忌廉,打至8成企身,然後和④的混合物拌勻。

  6. 黑糖長崎蛋糕切成1cm的厚度後鋪平放在模具的底部。用蛋糕掃掃上由咖啡粉和熱水沖成的咖啡,待蛋糕吸收了咖啡後倒入⑤的混合物的一半。

  7. 在⑥的混合物上放上剩下的黑糖長崎蛋糕,用蛋糕掃掃上咖啡,待蛋糕吸收了咖啡後倒入⑤的剩下的混合物。

  8. 將⑦放在雪櫃中冷藏約1-2小時,取出後在表面撒上朱古力粉。

  1. Soak gelatin powder in the milk.

  2. Add egg yolks and brown sugar in a bowl, and double-boil until it begins to turn white.

  3. Warm ① in a microwave at 500-600w for 20-30 seconds, and when the gelatin powder is dissolved, add to ② and mix.

  4. When ③ has cooled down, add mascarpone cheese and brandy, and mix thoroughly with a rubber spatula.

  5. In a separate bowl, beat whipping cream until the peak stands up then softly bends downwards when lifting out the whisk. Mix it into ④.

  6. Cut brown sugar castella into approximately 1 cm thick slices, spread them in a mold, and make the castella soak up the coffee by applying the coffee with a brush. Pour in half of ⑤ on top.

  7. Place the remaining castella on top of ⑥ and soak it with coffee with a brush. Pour the remaining half of ⑤ on top.

  8. Cool in a refregirator for about 1-2 hours, and sprinkle the cocoa powder on the top surface.




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