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Brown Sugar Recipe

Crunchy Topped Okinawa Brown Sugar Muffin

Berry Waffles



無鹽牛油 60g

低筋麵粉 100g

沖繩黑糖 10g

黃糖 40g

肉桂粉 5g


無鹽牛油 60g

葵花籽油 30g

沖繩黑糖 70g

砂糖 30g

雞蛋 1個

雲呢拿香油 2g

酸忌廉 50g

牛奶 40g

檸檬汁 10g

低筋麵粉 165g

梳打粉 3g

泡打粉 1.5g

鹽 2g

【Cruncy topping】

60g cold butter

100g cake flour

10g Okinawa brown sugar

40g light brown sugar

5g cinnamon powder


60g unsalted butter

30g sunflower oil

70g Okinawa brown sugar

30g white sugar

1 egg

2g vanilla extract

50g sour cream

40g milk

10g lemon juice

165g cake flour

3g baking powder

1.5g baking soda

2g salt



  1. 將雪凍的牛油切粒,加入低筋麵粉、沖繩黑糖、黃糖和肉桂粉,放進攪拌機内拌勻。

  2. 用手輕輕地捏開黏在一起的粉團後,放在冰格裏冷凍30分鐘。


  1. 將低筋麵粉、梳打粉和泡打粉過篩。

  2. 將放在常溫的牛油拌至軟滑,分2-3次加入砂糖和黑糖拌勻。

  3. 將砂糖某程度上拌勻後,加入葵花籽油拌勻。

  4. 將放在室溫的蛋液分幾次倒入拌勻。

  5. 加入鹽、雲呢拿香油和酸忌廉拌勻。

  6. 在碗中加入鹽和檸檬汁後,用打蛋器拌成酪漿。

  7. 一邊在⑤的鬆餅麵糊中加入⑥的酪漿,一邊拌勻。

  8. 加入①的已過篩的鬆餅麵團材料拌勻。

  9. 把入爐鬆餅紙杯放在鬆餅焗盤裏,用雪糕杓把鬆餅麵糊倒入入爐鬆餅紙杯中。

  10. 在鬆餅麵糊上加上之前製作的脆粒。

  11. 在預熱成190℃的焗爐中,用180℃焗18分鐘。 ※請根據自己的焗爐來調整温度及時間

[Making cruncy topping]

  1. Blend flour, light brown sugar, Okinawa brown sugar, cold butter, and cinnamon powder in a food processor.

  2. Gently press the mixture by hand to create small crumbs, then place in a freezer for 30 minutes.

[Making muffins]

  1. Shift cake flour, baking powder, and baking soda.

  2. Mix unsalted butter until soft and smooth, then mix in white sugar and Okinawa brown sugar in 2-3 batches.

  3. Once the sugar is mixed to a certain point, add sunflower oil.

  4. Add the egg at room temperature in small portions, mixing in a little at a time.

  5. Add salt, vanilla extract, and sour cream, and mix.

  6. In a separate bowl, pour in milk and lemon juice, and mix with a whisk to make buttermilk.

  7. Gradually add the buttermilk from ⑥ to the muffin batter from ⑤ while mixing.

  8. Add the shifted powder from ① and mix.

  9. Place muffin cups in a muffin pan, and pour the dough into the muffin cups using an ice cream scoop .

  10. Place the cruncy topping on the muffins.

  11. Preheat the oven to 190°C, then bake at 180°C for 18 minutes.

*Please adjust the temperature and time according to the oven specifications.




Learn more about Okinawa brown sugar
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