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Seaweed Recipe

Mozuku Chijimi Pancake

Berry Waffles


青蔥 1束

薯仔 3個

蝦仁 50g

沖繩水雲 50g

雞蛋 2個

麵粉 500g

麻油 適量

水 500g

鹽 1茶匙

1 green onion

3 potatoes

50g small shrimp

300g mozuku seaweed

2 eggs

500g flour

500cc water

Sesame oil(proper quantity)

1 teaspoon salt


  1. 薯仔去皮,切成一口大小,和水一起放入碎食機攪碎。待呈黏綢狀後,把蛋加入繼續拌勻。

  2. 移至圓盆後,加入麵粉和水混合均勻,再把切成4cm左右的青蔥和水雲、蝦仁和鹽放進去拌勻。

  3. 平底鍋放入2大匙的麻油,將②的麵糊放下去煎,延展成薄片。當呈焦黃色時翻面,用湯匙一邊押,至二面都呈焦黃色。

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into bite-size pieces. Mix with water in a blender. Once blended well, add eggs.

  2. Transfer into a bowl, and add flour and water. Add the green onion cut into 4cm pieces, mozuku seaweed, and small shrimp, and mix well.

  3. Put 2 tablespoons of sesame oil into a frying pan. Spread ❷ thinly, cook until browned, then flip to brown the other side while pressing down with a spoon.

水雲是一種有獨特的黏滑口感的海藻,其特徵是含有豐富的褐藻素和低卡路里,其獨特的黏滑感含有保護胃的褐藻素(Fucoidan)成分。 沖繩水雲較肥厚口感佳,在日本國内很受歡迎。沖繩當地的水雲可以直接食用,也可以做成各種各樣的料理。水雲味道清爽,可搭配各種料理來食用。

Learn more about Okinawa seaweeds
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