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Seaweed Recipe

Mozuku Dumplings

Berry Waffles


沖繩水雲 70g

青紫蘇葉 4塊

魚漿(含蛋白) 60g

乾冬菇 4個

麻油 1/2茶匙

鹽 1/2茶匙

餃子皮 12塊

70g mozuku seaweed

4 shiso/perilla leaves

60g packaged fish paste made with egg white

4 shiitake mushrooms

12 dumpling skins 

1tbsp rice vinegar

1tsp soy sauce

1/2tsp sesame oil

1/2tsp salt


  1. 沖洗沖繩水雲並瀝乾水份後切碎,然後再以廚房紙巾擦乾水份。

  2. 乾冬菇浸水後切碎,青紫蘇葉也切碎。

  3. 將沖繩水雲、乾冬菇、青紫蘇葉、麻油和鹽拌勻成餃子餡,包入餃子皮内。

  4. 水煮滾後放入餃子,待餃子浮上來後再煮2~3分鐘。

  5. 餃子裝盤後,可沾醋和醬油食用。

  1. Wash mozuku well and cut into small pieces. Drain excess water with paper towel.

  2. Soak dried shiitake mushrooms in water until soft, then cut into small pieces. Cut shiso into small pieces.

  3. Combine ❶, ❷, fish paste, sesame oil and salt and mix well. Place the mixture on dumpling skins and fold.

  4. Cook the dumplings in boiling water for 2-3 minutes after they rise to the surface.

  5. Serve on a plate with vinegar soy sauce.

水雲是一種有獨特的黏滑口感的海藻,其特徵是含有豐富的褐藻素和低卡路里,其獨特的黏滑感含有保護胃的褐藻素(Fucoidan)成分。 沖繩水雲較肥厚口感佳,在日本國内很受歡迎。沖繩當地的水雲可以直接食用,也可以做成各種各樣的料理。水雲味道清爽,可搭配各種料理來食用。

Learn more about Okinawa seaweeds
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