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Seaweed Recipe

Mozuku Tamagoyaki

Berry Waffles


雞蛋 3隻

沖繩水雲 80克 (切短)

日式白高湯 1湯匙

水 3湯匙

油 適量

3 eggs

80g mozuku

1 tablespoon Shiro-dashi

3 tablespoon water

Oil (appropriate amount)


  1. 先打散雞蛋,再分別加入日式白高湯、水和沖繩水雲拌勻。

  2. 燒熱玉子燒鍋後,在鍋面塗上一層油。

  3. 分次倒入蛋液,待蛋液開始凝固時,用筷子/鑊鏟由上往下捲。

  4. 捲好的蛋捲推到最上方,再在鍋面塗上一層油。

  5. 重覆步驟3和4數次,直至用完所有蛋液。

  6. 最後用鑊鏟把玉子燒推壓定型。

  1. Cut the mozuku into the appropriate length. Mix the whisked eggs, Shiro-dashi, water, and mozuku.

  2. Spread a thin layer of oil on a Tamagoyaki frying pan.

  3. Pour in the amount of the egg mixture enough to cover the bottom of the pan. Roll it towards the handle when it starts to set.

  4. Move the rolled egg to the other end of the pan and apply oil on the pan.

  5. Repeat the process of ③ and ④ several times until all the egg mixture has been used.

水雲是一種有獨特的黏滑口感的海藻,其特徵是含有豐富的褐藻素和低卡路里,其獨特的黏滑感含有保護胃的褐藻素(Fucoidan)成分。 沖繩水雲較肥厚口感佳,在日本國内很受歡迎。沖繩當地的水雲可以直接食用,也可以做成各種各樣的料理。水雲味道清爽,可搭配各種料理來食用。

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