Awamori Recipe
Awamori Dried Fruit Cake
材料 | Ingredients:
沖繩泡盛 50cc
提子乾 100g
牛油 100g
雞蛋 2隻
沖繩黑糖粉 60g
核桃 10粒
小麥粉 100g
泡打粉 1茶匙
(20cm pound cake pan)
Awamori 50cc
Raisin 100g
Butter 100g
Egg 2
Okinawa brown sugar powder 60g
Walnut 10 pieces
Flour 100g
Baking powder 1 teaspoon
步驟 | Steps:
Soak the dry fruits in Awamori for about half a day (1 hour at the least).
Put the room temperature butter and brown sugar powder in a bowl, and mix thoroughly until the color changes, then add the beaten egg and mix with a mixer.
After mixing well, add the dried fruit and mix. Shift in the flour and baking powder and mix.
Place a piece of parchment paper in the pound cake mold, pore ② in, and release the air by tapping the cake on the counter a few times.
Bake the cake in the oven, which is preheated at 180℃, for about 40-45 minutes.
Decorate the top of the cake with the crushed walnuts.
泡盛屬於蒸餾酒,含有的不純物較少,所以不容易引起宿醉。在100毫升,酒精含量15%的日本清酒中有103卡路里,但因泡盛不含糖分,100毫升的泡盛只有59卡路里。 此外,用黑麴菌釀造的泡盛酒經過3年或以上的儲藏就會成為「古酒」,「古酒」的口感柔和醇美,比普通的泡盛更為香醇。