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Brown Sugar Recipe

Abura Miso

Berry Waffles

材料 | Ingredients: 

豬腩肉 200克

味噌 150克

沖繩黑糖 100克

泡盛酒 50毫升

薑(切碎) 1湯匙

200g pork

150g miso

100g Okinawa brown sugar

50cc Awamori

1 tablespoon minced ginger

步驟 | Steps:

  1. 將豬腩肉切成小塊。

  2. 將豬肉和薑加入鑊中,並把豬肉炒至半熟。

  3. 加入泡盛酒炒,並炒至酒精揮發。

  4. 加入味噌並炒至均勻。

  5. 先加入一半沖繩黑糖炒勻,隨後可按照自己的喜好加入餘下的黑糖。


  1. Cut the pork into small pieces.

  2. Fry the pork and ginger in a frying pan.

  3. Add Awamori and cook to let the alcohol evaporate.

  4. Add the miso and fry until well blended.

  5. Add half of the Okinawa brown sugar and stir well, then add the rest of the brown sugar and fry.

*Enjoy it with a bowl of rice!

*Adjust the amount of sugar to your liking as the taste of miso varies between products.




Learn More About Okinawa Brown Sugar
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