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Brown Sugar Recipe

Brown Sugar Cookie

Berry Waffles

材料 | Ingredients: 

小麥粉 200克

黑糖 100克

白糖 50克

蛋 1個

泡打粉 1茶匙

白芝麻 3湯匙

沙律油 100克

Wheat Flour 200g

Brown Sugar 100g

White Sugar 50g

Egg 1

Baking Powder 1 teaspoon

Sesame Seeds 3 tablespoons

Salad Oil 100g

步驟 | Steps:

  1. 將麵粉和泡打粉一起篩過備用。

  2. 將蛋打散,加入黑糖、白糖、沙拉油、芝麻混合。

  3. 將2的混合物加入1中輕輕攪拌。

  4. 將麵糰擴展至3~5mm厚度,用喜好的模具切出形狀,排放於焗盤上。

  5. 在180度的焗爐中焗10分鐘。

  1. Combine wheat flour and baking powder and sift them together.

  2. Beat the eggs, then add brown sugar, white sugar, salad oil, and sesame seeds, and mix.

  3. Add the mixture from step 1 into the mixture from step 2 and mix lightly.

  4. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3-5mm, cut it with your preferred shape, and arrange them on a baking sheet.

  5. Bake in a 180-degree Celsius oven for 10 minutes.




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