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Purple Sweet Potato Recipe

Purple Sweet Potato Chocolate Truffle

Berry Waffles

材料 | Ingredients: 

沖繩紫薯 250g

日本紅豆泥 150g

日本黃豆粉 30g

芝麻粉 2湯匙

砂糖 20g

豆奶 15-20g

朱古力粉 15g

250g purple sweet potatoes

150g strained Azuki bean paste

30g kinako (soybean flour)

2 tablespoon ground sesame

20g sugar

15-20g soy milk

15g cocoa powder

步驟 | Steps:

  1. 沖繩紫薯去皮後切薄片,然後放入水中煮熟。

  2. 將①的沖繩紫薯壓爛,趁熱時加入砂糖拌勻。

  3. 在②中加入日本紅豆泥、日本黃豆粉、芝麻粉和豆奶,攪拌至混合物變得有光澤。

  4. 將③的混合物搓成一口大小的球狀,最後在表面撒上朱古力粉。

  1. Peel the purple sweet potatoes, cut into thin slices, and boil.

  2. Mash ① and add sugar while it's still hot.

  3. Add the strained Azuki bean paste, kinako, ground sesame, sugar, and soy milk to ②, and mix well until the surface becomes glossy.

  4. Roll ③ into bite-size balls and sprinkle the surface with cocoa powder.



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