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Purple Sweet Potato Recipe

Purple Sweet Potato Doria

Berry Waffles

材料 | Ingredients: 

A米 1杯

A沖繩紫薯 1條(約150g)

A鯖魚罐頭 1罐

A醬油 1/2 茶匙

洋蔥(切碎) 1/2個

紅蘿蔔(切碎) 1/2條

鴻喜菇 1/2袋

翠玉瓜 1/2條

黃椒 1/2個

蛋黃醬 25g

紅椒粉 1/4茶匙

雞蛋 2個

薄餅用芝士 80g

車厘茄 8粒

番茜 適量

油 2茶匙

(A) 1 cup rice

(A) 1 (150g) purple sweet potato

(A) 1 canned blue-backed fish (mackerel, sardine, or Pacific saury etc.)

(A) 1/2 teaspoon soy sauce

1/2 minced onion

1/2 minced carrot

1/2 pack shimeji mushrooms

1/2 zucchini

1/2 yellow bell pepper

25g mayonnaise

1/4 teaspoon bell pepper powder

2 eggs

80g cheese for pizza

8 cherry tomatoes

Parsley (appropriate amount)

2 teaspoon oil

步驟 | Steps:

  1. 洗米後,將紫薯切成約1cm的大小,切好的紫薯粒放入水中約10分鐘浸以除去澀味。

  2. 在電飯煲裏加入米、鯖魚罐頭中的汁和醬油,再加入煮1杯飯的水。

  3. 在②中加入去水的紫薯和鯖魚,再煮熟飯。

  4. 煮好飯後取出上面的紫薯和鯖魚。

  5. 用手分開鴻喜菇,將黃椒切成容易入口的大小。

  6. 在鑊落油後,加入洋蔥、紅蘿蔔和鴻喜菇炒至熟透軟軟的,然後熄火。

  7. 加入③的紫薯飯、蛋黃醬和紅椒粉到⑥的食材中拌勻。

  8. 將⑦的材料加到耐熱器皿中,在放上翠玉瓜、黃椒和鯖魚,再在中間凹下去的地方加上雞蛋。

  9. 在⑧的表面上加上紫薯、芝士和車厘茄,放到焗爐中焗至金黃色。

  10. 從焗爐取出後,在表面上加上切碎的番茜。

  1. Wash the rice. Cut the purple sweet potato into 1 cm cubes and soak in water for about 10 minutes.

  2. Put the rice, liquid in the canned blue-backed fish, and soy sauce in a rice cooker, and add water up to the 1 cup mark.

  3. Drain the water off the purple sweet potatoes, place them and blue-backed fish on ②, and cook.

  4. Once the rice is cooked, remove the blue-backed fish and purple sweet potatoes from the rice, and set aside.

  5. Break up the shimeji mushrooms by hand. Cut the bell pepper into bite-size pieces.

  6. Heat oil in a pan, fry the onion, carrot, and shimeji mushrooms until softened, and turn off the heat.

  7. Add the purple sweet potato rice from ③, mayonnaise, and bell pepper powder into ⑥, and mix.

  8. Spread ⑦ in a heat-proof dish, add the zucchini, bell pepper, and blue-backed fish on top, then lightly press the center to make a dent and place the eggs on top.

  9. Add the purple sweet potatoes, cheese, and tomatoes on ⑧, and bake in a toaster oven until browned.

  10. Remove from the toaster oven and sprinkle with chopped parsley.



Learn More About Purple Sweet Potatoes
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