Seaweed Recipe
Marinated Mozuku & Bitter Gourd

材料 | Ingredients:
沖繩水雲 50g
沖繩苦瓜 1/3條
鹽 適量
紅椒 1/4個
沖繩島蘿蔔 1/5條
橄欖油 2湯匙
醋 3湯匙
砂糖 1/2茶匙
鹽、胡椒 適量
白大蔥 2cm
50g mozuku seaweed
1/3 bitter gourd
Salt (appropriate amount)
1/4 bell pepper
1/5 Okinawa island carrot
2 tablespoon olive oil
3 tablespoon vinegar
1/2 tablespoon or more sugar
Salt and pepper (appropriate amount)
2cm Shiraga-negi (thinly sliced white part of a Japanese leek)
步驟 | Steps:
Wash the mozuku under running water, then blanch quickly in boiling water, and cut into chunks once it cools.
Remove the guts of the bitter gourd and cut into thin slices. Rub with salt and let it stand for 10 minutes. Remove the water and set aside.
Grill the bell pepper until the surface is blackened, immediately place in ice water and peel the skin, and cut into bite-sized pieces.
Peel the Okinawa island carrot, slice diagonally into thin slices of about 5 mm thick, and grill until it becomes soft.
Mix the olive oil, vinegar, sugar, salt, and pepper. Add the ingredients from ①-④ in the sauce, and place in the refregirator to cool.
Place ⑤ on a plate and garnish with Shiraga-negi.
水雲是一種有獨特的黏滑口感的海藻,其特徵是含有豐富的褐藻素和低卡路里,其獨特的黏滑感含有保護胃的褐藻素(Fucoidan)成分。 沖繩水雲較肥厚口感佳,在日本國内很受歡迎。沖繩當地的水雲可以直接食用,也可以做成各種各樣的料理。水雲味道清爽,可搭配各種料理來食用。