Seaweed Recipe
Mozuku Quiche

材料 | Ingredients:
春菊 50g
沖繩水雲 50g
煙肉 2塊
洋蔥 1/2個
鴻喜菇 1/2袋
萬用酥皮 1塊
雞蛋 3個
薄餅用芝士 50g
牛奶 150cc
橄欖油 1茶匙
鹽 適量
胡椒 適量
油 適量
喜歡的蔬菜 適量
(20cm baking pan)
50g shungiku
50g mozuku
2 pieces bacon
1/2 onion
1/2 pack shimeji mushrooms
1 sheet puff pastry sheet
3 eggs
50g cheese for pizza
150cc milk
1 teaspoon olive oil
Salt and pepper (appropriate amount)
Oil (appropriate amount)
Vegitables of your choice
步驟 | Steps:
Preheat the oven to 200℃.
Cut the vegetables for decoration into bite-size pieces, bake, take out of the oven, and set aside.
Line a puff pastry sheet on a baking pan.
Boil the shungiku and cut into 3 cm lengths. Rinse the mozuku and cut into 3 cm lengths.
Cut the bacon and onion into small pieces, and break the shimeji mushrooms into small bundles.
Crack the eggs and mix with the milk, salt and pepper.
In a frying pan, add oil and fry the bacon, onion, and shimeji mushrooms.
Place ⑦ and 1/3 of the shungiku into the pan lined with the puff pastry sheet in step ③, and pour ⑥ in.
Bake in the oven at 200℃ for 15 minutes, then top with the remaining shungiku, mozuku, and cheese, in that order, and place back in the oven and bake for another 10 minutes.
Place the vegitables from ② on the top to finish off.
水雲是一種有獨特的黏滑口感的海藻,其特徵是含有豐富的褐藻素和低卡路里,其獨特的黏滑感含有保護胃的褐藻素(Fucoidan)成分。 沖繩水雲較肥厚口感佳,在日本國内很受歡迎。沖繩當地的水雲可以直接食用,也可以做成各種各樣的料理。水雲味道清爽,可搭配各種料理來食用。