Shikuwasa Recipe
Shikuwasa Acqua Pazza
材料 | Ingredients:
三文魚柳 4塊
蒜頭 1塊
鴻喜菇 1包
杏鮑菇 2條
車厘茄 8粒
蜆肉罐頭 1罐
白葡萄酒 30cc
月桂葉 1塊
橄欖油 1湯匙
鹽 少許
胡椒 少許
沖繩香檸汁 2湯匙
羅勒粉 少許
4 slices salmon
1 clove garlic
1 pack shimeji mushrooms
2 king oyster mushrooms
8 cherry tomatoes
60g canned asari clams without shell
30cc white wine
1 bay leaf
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
2 tablespoon Shikuwasa juice
1 pinch basil powder
步驟 | Steps:
Thinly slice the garlic. Remove the bottom of the shimeji mushrooms and break them up. Cut the king oyster mushrooms in half vertically and then cut into pieces of about 5 mm. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half after removing the stems.
Heat the olive oil and garlic in a frying pan. When fragrant, add salmon with its skin facing down, and cook thoroughly on both sides over medium heat.
When the salmon is cooked, add the asari clams and its juice. Add the white wine and cook to let the alcohol evaporate.
Add the shimeji mushrooms, king oyster mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, and bay leaf. Bring to boil, and then turn the heat down to low and add pepper (and salt if needed) to adjust the taste.
Finish off by adding the Shikuwasa juice and basil powder.
另外亦含有豐富的川陳皮素、橘紅素、甜橙黃酮、橙皮素和檸檬酸等對身體非常有用的成分。沖繩香檸汁可以在City’super 、銅鑼灣SOGO、油麻地果欄葉昌欄 (Unigo Store)、Kourmet52和沖繩新垣商店( 購買。